Showing posts with label community building software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label community building software. Show all posts

Monday, 23 June 2014

Social Communities Benefit Businesses

Creating online communities for customers and employees has become a trend nowadays. Organizations are transforming their businesses to a digital model. Whether they are in IT space, retail, real estate or any other field, they are building online communities to organize people and accomplish work in a highly collaborative and effective way.

Going digital is unraveling a vast variety of opportunities and a wider spectrum of business for organizations. This social phenomenon has changed the outlook of businesses in the past few years as millions of people worldwide have joined online communities. These online communities have evolved in the last few years and their stupendous growth leads to the fact that they bring speed, scale and economics of the Internet to social interactions.

The World Internet User statistics states, that there are currently 2,400,000,000 Internet users on the worldwide web, which is nearly about 34% of the global population, using their preferred online community portal. This has brought in numerous business opportunities for organizations. Social media platforms offer an added channel to market products and services in a friendly and informal way. Companies are making themselves available through social media platforms, reaching out to customers and sharing content. This helps in creating visibility for one’s brand, highlight one’s offerings and attract potential new clients.

Viburnix, an effective community building software is the most widely used community building platform today. It includes numerous user friendly features such as knowledge base repository, business exchange strategies, polls, blogs, email, newsletters and so much more.

This cloud based, innovative product provides a one-stop solution which enables an organization to not only
build vibrant communities but also ensures real time communication between the members and the organization.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

How Viburnix helps companies grow !

Viburnix, as a community building software acts as a critical link where an organization can build an online community to serve basic needs of the organization to Communicate, Collaborate, Connect, Control, Contribute and Create. Viburnix provides a unified communication and a collaborative platform to create multiple points of adhesion throughout an institution.

Business Exchange Strategies
Business owners are always on the lookout for great resources to help them grow, but they don’t always have time to research, read, and sort the wheat from the chaff. Viburnix, an online community portal enables collaboration amongst its members at a much more professional level. This platform allows the alumni to work and exchange ideas and thoughts with their peers at a professional level. The alumni are able to exchange business details and also offer several business prospects. Thus, it enables the alumni to expand their business & professional network and even initiate new business ventures.

An organization can leverage its image & improve its brand equity using Viburnix in the following manner:
  • Identify your reasons- to-believe
  • Identify customer touch points
  • Determine the most influential factors touch points
  • Design an optimal experience 
  • Align the organization to deliver basis the collective vision